Happy Father’s Day… a day late…

i can’t believe i missed posting on Father’s Day! i, the gal who has always felt and known what an important role a father plays in a child’s life and growing up years, didn’t forget that it was Father’s Day yesterday. But somehow my brain didn’t make to connection to posting about it here.

Oh my, i just took a long back at past years and realised i have always posted late for Father’s Day – how terrible! (See here and here.) Here’s to making up for it:

My Tributes

My father is very important to me.
He is my champion, my hero.
The one who always cheers me on.
i am who i am because my father is who he is and he loves me so very much.
My need to protect my loved ones comes from my father who was and still is very protective of me.
i laugh a lot because my father is always cracking jokes and bringing laughter into our lives.
i love life and dare to live it because my father is my example.
My father is very important to me.


Loving time with Daddy!

To my husband, the father of my son, the one who can fix all things
(not everything in the whole wide world, just everything in my son’s & mine). 
The father of my son, the one who is the strength of this family. 
My son’s father, the one who loves in his silent and practical ways. 
My husband, the father my son looks up to and eagerly awaits his return home each day.
My son loves his father so much, it’s fun to watch the two of them together.
Together, father and son, sharing interest and laughter.
My husband, the best father my son can have.



4 Replies to “Happy Father’s Day… a day late…”

  1. Beautiful tribute! And I don’t think you should beat yourself up for being late. Most likely, you were doing what was most important–spending time with your husband and making him feel special that day (instead of ignoring him to write your post). Right?


    1. Thanks Char! Actually my husband has been away almost all of the Father’s Day to date… work, sigh! So i guess was being both mummy & daddy during those times 😉


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