Dear Photograph…

i came across this website: Dear Photograph quite a while back and loved the idea immediately and told myself i should do this. Take an old photo of a place and go to that place now to match it up and take a new photo; remembering the past with the present.

Unfortunately, my birth/home country of Singapore moves so fast and changes so much in a short time, it is quite difficult to find an old photo of me and my family, or a place we have been to, which still sort of matches up today.

This is Singapore's Skyline when i was growing up. Credit: GolferToAxis on Photobucket
This is Singapore’s Skyline when i was growing up. Credit: GolferToAxis on Photobucket

While progress may be a good thing in some aspects, i miss the Singapore i grew up it; it is disappearing so fast. This year we have made efforts to try to show our son where we used to go to school. However, only my husband’s primary and secondary school still stands today. My own primary school and secondary has been torn down and rebuilt or moved.

Singapore's Skyline of the same area today. Credit: Wikipedia, Tourism in Singapore
Singapore’s Skyline of the same area today. Credit: Wikipedia, Tourism in Singapore

Not just the physical buildings have changed but schooling itself has changed too. Demands on kids are so high now, extra lessons are the norm. In my school years, you get extra lessons only if you needed help in a subject and your parents had to hire a private tutor for it. Now, schools provide not just help but even supplementary classes so you can learn extra stuff.

Many other things have changed too. It is difficult to find the old eating places our parents used to bring us to. The friendly neighbourhood spirit seems less now. Public transport is so overcrowded. People notice the people around them less; all absorbed in their digital devices.

i miss the Singapore i grew up in. It was noisy, not so clean and less advanced BUT it was warm, friendlier and comfortable. Maybe i’m biased.

i have, but memories to hold onto…

What are your memories of your growing up days?


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