
That’s how i am feeling at the moment…

My poor husband has been unwell since November last year. He had Legionnaires Disease, recovered slightly but continued to feel terrible. After multiple visits to the doctor, he was finally diagnosed with Hyperthyroid. We were relieved, it is a well-documented and treatable condition. Now he is suffering from pains in both arms and legs. After a trip to the ER, a late night call to our family doctor, and an appointment today, it was concluded that the pains are a side effect of the thyroid meds. But it is still not getting better – sigh! – yet…

We can’t seem to catch a break with these health issues. We are also dealing with other issues which i am not ready to share. But it has indeed been one thing after another, all while trying to keep daily life on track.

A dear friend sent me this video to encourage me (Thank you my dear!):

It is a beautiful song. i have had dark times in my life before and focusing on the Lord always made it better and again it has worked.

But still it is human nature to ask, “Why Lord? Why?”.

Then i am reminded of this blog-post i read some time ago – God will give you more than you can handle: i guarantee it.

“…Actually, when I realized the simple fact that God can–and will–give us more than we can possibly bear, it got easier…”

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me…for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matt. 11: 28-30)

“…in that one verse he simply states the reason why we are given more than we can handle: It’s so we can come to him. It’s so we can trust him enough to hand over our heavy, crippling burdens and let him carry the load…”

What she says in there is so so true and really lifts my spirit. Because i don’t have to be strong all by myself. i can lean on God’s strength. i don’t have to be brave all by myself. Jesus is with me always. i don’t have to figure out what to do all by myself. The Holy Spirit is here to lead me.

i can, and i pray i will, come to my Lord and give Him all my cares and i will bless His Name… because…

“…he’s the only one who can make it bearable when life is simply anything but.”


i thank God for dear brothers- and sisters-in-Christ who stand by me in prayers and in spirit.


10 Replies to “Overwhelmed…”

  1. Love your persevering attitude. That concept has helped me so much in my life–that God gives us more than we can handle to bring us to our knees to acknowledge that we need Him. If we could handle things ourselves, we wouldn’t think we needed Him. I hope and pray things get better though. These hard times make the happy ones afterward so much more joyful.


    1. Thank you Char for your encouragement – yes we do need God! And it is true – sweets taste sweeter after a bitter drink. Looking forward to the sweets!


  2. Hey! Call me if you need to talk, or if you can break away for a coffee and chat. I can come up to you. I’m taking Kidlet to the library this afternoon, and we could always meet up for coffee and let the kids play.


    1. Thanks so much Elizabeth! i’ll most definitely call if/when i can talk – it’s not great at the moment but not yet falling apart… this afternoon we have an appointment & rehearsal & need to see the doc again so not this afternoon but i will let you know – thanks again for being here.


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