Big Trip to Singapore, Nov/Dec 2023

Yep, it’s 2024! Perfect time to look back on the last 2 months of 2023. LOL!

We did, what I consider, to be a BIG trip to Singapore.

Big in more ways than one; big in length of time (at least for me, it was 7 weeks). I think the last time we were there for that length of time was when my son was born. And what a lovely bookend this is because on this trip we usher my son into a rite of passage for any Singaporean male; into National Service (NS). Big also because I had so much I wanted to get done. I think I managed just enough for now. More to do next time… lol.

So what did I get done?

There was a wonderful primary school class reunion, lots of drawers and cupboards to clear out in the living room, loads of items to sort through, furniture to get rid of, new furniture to build and then fill with the items which we decided to keep. My brother also had emergency gall-bladder removal operation just before I arrived so there’s trying to make sure he recovered well.

Of course, there were visits to our family and friends, with lots of yummy meals to digest as well. It’s with a little bit of sadness that I realised lots of my relatives are really getting on in years. While many of them are still in fairly good health, the health issues that are there is affecting their daily lives slightly. Yet I have hope as I also see that they do have good family support and also the health care in Singapore is quite good.

Here are some pictures (quite a lot are of food, which tells you how much we ate… lol):

This new chapter of our lives has began and we are all adjusting; my husband and I to being empty nesters, my son to life in Singapore with his grandma and uncle and my family to having a young adult in the house again. I sincerely ask God to help us so that we might find this a fulfilling and blessed time for all of us.
